Thursday, May 3, 2012

Miscellaneous Tips For Natural Gender Selection

There's so much information out there on natural gender selection.  It's easy to get bogged down.  The basics are actually pretty simple, however!  The most important things to remember are that diet and lifestyle make the biggest differences.  What you eat and how you eat it are important!  There are a few little tips, however, that may boost your chances even more.  This article will cover some of the most common ones I get questions about.

Take a Position

Traditional lore on choosing your baby's gender says that certain positions might help you get a baby boy or a baby girl.  Positions is referring to where you and your partner are in relation to each other during baby-making sex.  Dr. Shettles discussed this in his book.

It's something that's pretty easy to add to your gender selection plan.  After all, you just pick the position you think is best, then use it!  In the grand scheme of things, however, positions probably don't make difference.  Add them in as a nice "bonus" technique. 

Shallow penetration favor girls.  Woman on top, where you control penetration, is a favorite.  Missionary position can also get fairly shallow.

Deep penetration favor boys.  "Doggy style" is the classic for deep penetration.

Extreme Gender Swaying

Some of the natural gender selection communities place heavy emphasis on what they call "extreme gender swaying."  This is an optional approach to choosing your baby's gender naturally.  It gets a bit more technical than other approaches, and can get pretty stressful.

These extreme approaches pull strongly on the theories of sorting sperm and on pH levels.  The point to them is to try and sort sperm in a home setting.  This is done via home centrifuge, incubators, etc. 

You also attempt to create a medium of the pH you desire (more alkaline for a boy and more acidic for a girl) to encourage the sperm for the gender you want.

After you've sorted the semen sample and manipulated pH, you insert the semen sample into the vaginal via a syringe, turkey baster, or something like a cervical cap or menstrual cup.

These methods are called "extreme" gender swaying because they are much more extreme than most women go to.  If you feel strongly about getting a daughter or son, however, you may want to try one of these methods.


O+12 is actually a method of timing intercourse, and it's only used when trying for a girl.  Many women are not sure what it is, which is why it's included in this mixed tips article!

Traditional timing of intercourse for a girl states that you should have intercourse several days before ovulation to get a daughter.  But there are some that believe that O+12 may have advantages for girls, too.  Using this method, you have baby-making sex right at 12 hours after ovulation.  This is supposed to favor girls.

The obvious challenge with the O+12 technique is that it's really hard to know exactly when 12 hours ovulation happens!  You can use ovulation predictor kits and fertility monitors, but you still won't pinpoint exactly when ovulation happens.  If you're charting your menstrual cycle, your temperature will rise after you ovulate -- but again, it doesn't tell you exactly when it happened.

If you're one of the women who feels a sharp pain when ovulation occurs, O+12 may be a valid strategy for you.  Otherwise, timing for O+12 is close to impossible to get just right!

Photo by The Wandering Angel

Monday, April 30, 2012

Do Calories Count for Gender Selection?

Diet is an important part of natural gender selection -- in fact, it's consistently supported by research.  What's the most important part of your diet for natural gender selection?  The foods you eat count, but the overall number of calories you get every day also counts. 

What the Studies Show

Calories and overall nutrient levels can make a big difference in the gender of your baby.  Research studies like the Oxford study show that moms who have more sons eat more calories -- significantly more calories.  Women who had daughters ate significantly less calories than those moms having boys.  For sons, women were eating 2,400+ calories a day.  Women with daughters were eating closer to 1,500 - 1,800 calories per day.

Studies also show there's a strong correlation with overall nutrient intake.  Women who are getting more calories are getting higher levels of nutrients.  These are the moms most likely to have boys.  The moms getting lower calories and lower nutrients have girls.

The Trivers-Willard Hypothesis

There is a hypothesis that lends support to the conclusions drawn from the research above. The Trivers-Willard hypothesis suggests that in times of plenty, mothers are more likely to have sons.  In times of famine and stress, mothers are more likely to have daughters.

A lot of the work connecting this hypothesis to gender selection has been done via independent research from Atomic Sagebrush.  She's pulled together all these studies and hypotheses to create a workable plan for getting a daughter or son.   Her "high everything" and "low everything" diets are based on the Trivers-Willard hypothesis.

The reason why Trivers-Willard suggested the gender ration changed happened is boys require more calories from the moment of conception. They require more energy to get from brand new baby in its mother's womb to a grown man successfully having children. The theory is that during times of plenty, it's much more likely that the calories and the food is going to be there to help this little baby boy go from a tiny baby in his mother's womb to a grown man who is able to father his own children.

In times of famine, a girl (who requires far fewer calories throughout her life) is much more likely to grow and be able to have a baby. The Trivers-Willard Hypothesis states that these things happen for the perpetuation of our species.

Whether you believe in the whole evolutionary theory or not that's built into that is up to you to decide. The fact that boys take more calories and girls take less calories is true, however.

How to Get Your Desired Gender

What can you do if you want a boy? Eat all your vegetables! Getting more protein and more fat increases your calories throughout the day and gives you significantly more nutrition. More nutrients going in via a more nutrient-dense diet mean you're increasing your chances of getting a boy by increasing your nutrition. Again, eat your vegetables. Eat the protein. Shoot for 2,400-2,500 calories a day. Salt to taste. Make sure that you're getting good amounts of fat. Drink whole milk, preferably unprocessed whole milk. These guidelines make you more likely to get a boy.

You want to limit things in your diet if you want a girl. Eat the more carbohydrate-heavy and nutrient-skimpy diet because carbohydrates provide our bodies with sugar and not much else. Grain products can provide B vitamins, magnesium and a few other nutrients, but really, when it comes to nutrient density, animal products are what give us the best bang for our buck. Grains are hard to digest and relatively nutrient-poor.  Women hoping for a girl typically look to grain products and get a minimum amount of protein a day from plant-based sources like beans.

Atomic Sagebrush recommends that a women trying to conceive a girl get around 1,700 calories a day because that is a level where she can safely conceive a baby and it doesn't impact fertility, but has still been shown to favor a girl conception.

Photo by juhansonin

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Conceive a Girl by Lowering Your pH

Getting pregnant with a little girl is a wonderful thing -- daughters are so much fun!  Many women hope to conceive a girl, and want to know proven techniques to increase their chances.  Body pH, the measure of how acid or alkaline (base) your body is, holds a key to boosting your odds of getting a pink bundle.  Here's why it helps and how you can change it.

Why Go Low for a Girl?

Lower body pH means that your body is more acidic inside.  Acid or low pH greatly increases your chances of getting pregnant with a girl.

Sperm carry either XX or XY chromosomes.  Girl sperm, the sperm carrying the XX chromosome set, can swim and thrive in a more acidic environment than boy sperm do well in. 

By creating a body environment that's more acidic, you increase your chances that it will be the resilient female sperm that reach the egg.

Ways to Lower Your pH

Diet is a good strategy to use when you're trying to conceive a girl, and it's the best place to start lowering your pH.  A low-calorie diet that's high in grain products creates a more acidic environment in the body.  Plant-based proteins like beans and legumes also contribute to lower pH.

Cranberry is a proven supplement for lowering pH quickly.  You can use a standardized cranberry extract or drink unsweetened cranberry juice.  Some women find that cranberry causes them to have heavy periods.  If this is the case for you, consider lowering your dosage or just have a glass or two of juice every day.

Baby Aspirin is another supplement that women are using to help lower pH and conceive daughters.  It doesn't have any additional nutritional value (like cranberry does) and it does make your body more acidic.  It's also safe when you're trying to conceive and during early pregnancy (consult a doctor about late pregnancy).  It may also help prevent miscarriage.

Vitamin C may make your body more acidic and it's something to consider when you're trying for a girl.  Supplementing with any extra nutrients, however, may actually increase your chances of getting a boy.

Antihistamines / Sudafed:  Antihistamines are helpful because they dry up cervical mucus, which is very alkaline.  You want less cervical fluid if you're trying to conceive a girl.  They work quickly (some women find Sudafed more irritating to the stomach) and only need to be used a few days during your cycle.

Products like Replens and Rephresh can also be used around the days you're trying to conceive to help lower your pH levels quickly.   They may also help dry fertile fluids and can be discontinued after ovulation.

Photo by muffet

Thursday, April 26, 2012

So You Want to Get Pregnant with a Boy

Do you find that every time you think of getting pregnant, you picture a sweet little boy?  Boys are a wonderful adventure -- they keep you feeling young just watching all of their energy!  In this article I'll cover some of the reasons to use natural gender selection for a boy, as well some basic techniques for conceiving a son.

Boisterous  and Beloved

You've probably heard countless parents say that they just want a healthy baby.  For many, that's true.  But many moms also long to have a sweet baby boy in their arms -- and that's totally normal!

Some mothers dream of the chance to parent both genders.  Many moms hope they'll have a boy first so their little girl will have a big brother to watch over her.

Women sometimes hope to give their husband a son, and have a son to carry on the family name even into adulthood.  Though times and traditions change, having a son is still a proud moment for families. 

Sometimes a woman had a tough relationship with her own mother and feels worried about having a daughter... it's normal to desire a son if that's the case.  Sometimes it seems like parenting a son is easier. 

Whatever the reason, many women would like to get pregnant with a sweet baby boy!

Techniques for Conceiving a Boy

Natural gender selection techniques can increase your chances of bringing home a baby boy.  It's important to remember that no natural sex selection method can 100% guarantee you'll get the gender you desire.  Be open to any baby that comes.  You can, however, increase your odds of getting a little boy!

Look to diet first.  Changing what you're eating (and even how often you're eating) can have a huge impact on your chances at getting a son.  Boys need more calories all throughout life.  Eating a diet that's high in calories and contains lots of nutrient-dense foods is a great way to try and conceive a boy.  This strategy is one of many "boy diets" and is based on the Trivers-Willard hypothesis.

Supplementation with vitamins and minerals is mostly geared towards increasing your level of nutrients.  Supplements may also help you make your body more alkaline, which gives an advantage to boy sperm.  Some supplements increase your fertile mucus around ovulation, which is also very good for boy sperm.

There are many other techniques to use when you try to get pregnant with a baby boy.  Timing intercourse, different positions, exercise, and other lifestyle factors can be included to really boost your chances at bringing home a little man!

Photo by Leo Wilson

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Accepting an Opposite

Science has shown that you can try to naturally choose the gender of your baby. Using natural gender selection techniques lets you increase your odds of having a son or daughter -- but it's not 100% guaranteed.  

What Does "Increase the Odds" Mean? 

 As you read above, you can try and choose your baby's gender naturally. You can make it much more likely that you'll get what you're dreaming of. Scientists call the number of boys born to the number of girls born the "gender ratio" -- and research shows that many things, such as diet and hormones, can influence the gender ratio.

This means that you can use research-based techniques to improve your chances of getting the gender you desire. If you want a girl, you can make it more likely you'll get a girl. If you want a boy, you can make it more likely you'll get a boy. So increasing the odds means you'll make it more likely -- but there is no guarantee. That means that for all women who try to choose their baby's gender, some women will get an "opposite" of what they want.  

Any Baby 

It's important to think carefully when you (and your husband) decide to use natural gender selection techniques. You need to search your heart. Even though you know you greatly desire a specific gender, are you open to a baby of the opposite gender? Would you be okay with a son if your heart desires a daughter? Could you be happy for a daughter if you long for a son? These are important questions to ask yourself. If you think you'd be devastated by a baby of the opposite gender, it's probably best not to try natural gender selection techniques.  

Gender Disappointment is Normal 

 I'm not saying that you shouldn't feel any disappointment -- some disappointment is normal if you discover you're having an opposite. It's normal to have a few sad days while you mourn not having the son or daughter you wanted. If you feel that you cannot cope with the feelings you have, though, you should seek help. Talk to your midwife, doula, or a compassionate friend. You can also find support for gender disappointment online where you can share your feelings safely and with relative anonymity. Taking good care of yourself will help you overcome gender disappointment. You'll feel better physically and mentally knowing that you're taking good care of your baby. Remember, you do not need to share your baby's gender during pregnancy if you don't feel comfortable doing so. You can let people know it's a surprise and that you'd rather not talk about it! Take things easy and try to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy -- and remember to reach out for help.

Photo by mxgirl85

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How Long Will Natural Gender Selection Take?

There are natural methods for swaying the odds of getting a infant with the gender you desire. Many of all of these procedures entail adjusting diet and lifestyle, so a lot of fathers and mothers wonder about how much time it should take to use natural gender selection. This content covers some of the factors that might influence how fast attempting to conceive a girl or little boy could go for you.

Diet Adjustments

Dietary modifications are some of the cornerstones of natural gender choice. What you consume could change your pH levels, which will help swing the chances that you'll get pregnant with a baby girl - or conceive a baby boy.

Although you can alter your daily diet and expect to see results in your pH very quickly, it's better to follow the diet for some time when you are preparing to get pregnant with your little girl or baby boy.

It's usually recommended for you to follow a gender selection diet plan for concerning a similar time frame you'd follow a preconception eating plan -- at least 90 days.

By following this diet for twelve weeks you'll know that your system has adjusted to the diet and changes are well-established. The egg cell you release will have also grown under the affects of the eating plan. It will take sperm around three months to develop, so having the dad go through diet for three months is quite helpful, also.

You may pick not to stick to it so long, rather shooting for about six weeks, or if perhaps you'd really like to get pregnant fast, for the two weeks from your period to ovulation. It's far better to continue with the diet and plan for longer, though.

Ideal Time In Your Cycle

It's thought that the timing of sex can have a big result on the gender of the child. Timing options could be basic or more complex.

The simplest option is to simply make an attempt at conceiving without worrying about timing. To employ this choice it's not necessary to consider any time. Merely try during your fertile phase.

But lots of husbands and wives wish to use timing, and to achieve this you will need to be aware of your fertility patterns. Using two or three months to chart your menstrual cycles and get familiar with your individual fertility can help you plan out the perfect timing to get pregnant with a baby girl or to get pregnant with a little boy.

All Around Fertility

Wanting to select the gender of your little one might effect your current fertility level. Quite a few mums who pick to "sway the odds" discover that their particular fertility patterns change while they change their eating plans, add a variety of supplements, or try to get pregnant at a certain time in their fertility cycles.

All of a lot of these aspects may interact with each other. Generally, ladies who are trying to get pregnant with a baby boy notice that they get pregnant faster than ladies who are trying to get pregnant with a girl. This is because more often than not, the strategies to conceive a daughter reduce overall fertility slightly.

You should plan for your work to get pregnant to take 3 to 6 months, despite the fact that a number of ladies become pregnant as soon as they get started making an attempt! A number of women choose to learn about their menstrual cycles for a few months prior to really attempting. A well-planned "gender sway" may take a bit of bit more than looking to conceive usually may, but your little princess or prince is worth it.

Photo by jencu